Thursday, July 13, 2006

CD Player Causes Plane Crash!

On a flight to Italy, a fellow passenger sitting next to me was happily listening to a cd player, before being interrupted by one of the cabin crew. "You need to turn that off" she explained. "Why?" we asked. (I don't know what this had to do with me.)
"Because it's dangerous whilst flying." Slightly bemused by this, we continued the interrogation to learn that the laser was the problem.
Apparently, the humble cd player laser is capable of interfering with the plane's navigational equipment! I pointed out that the passenger opposite reading his book posed a greater threat. There was a higher possibility of the book flying out of his hand, through the cockpit, and giving the pilot a paper cut!

Surely they're just trying to spoil our fun?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm cabin crew with easyJet and I'm not really sure why the passenger was told not to use the cd player - unless it was during a take off and landing in which case ALL electrical equipment must be switched off. During the flight however, it should be fine!

If it was during a take off and landing, then there would be 2 reasons why the crew asked for the cd player to be switched off: 1) Electrical equipment can interfere with the aircraft systems, 2) in case of an emergency, all passengers must be able to hear commands from the crew (i.e. evacuate etc), and someone with earphones in and listening to music would then be compromised!!!!

That's some useless info for you!

10:54 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the info. I had assumed that this safety procedure was, as you say, in order to have the attention of all the passengers during take-off and landing. This makes perfect sense to me. The CD player interfereing with the radio system. Hmmm. Not sure about that. About as likely as a mobile phone igniting a petrol station!

6:37 pm  

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