Friday, July 21, 2006

Wet trousers

I was wandering around London the other week and it was raining. Nothing too strange about that, you might think. According to most Americans it rains everyday in London. So why the hosepipe ban? Why the drought. Why do I never get wet when I live here? Still, they know best.

Anyway, during my travels I noticed that the bottom of every pair of jeans was wet. This got me thinking about the average British trouser length. We all seem to have trousers that are slightly too long for us. The bottoms of which, dragging along the floor, picking up all the dirt and getting wet.

Now at the risk of sounding terribly old fashioned, surely this could be rectified by wearing slightly shorter trousers? I'm not saying that the trouser leg should be flapping around your ankles in the breeze. Far from it. Just that it should merely end just before the bottom of the shoe.

I must point out that I too have fallen victim to this trend in fashion. I don't want to look a fool!

In today's harsh world, you could be wearing 32 inches of finest trouser, yet people would find fault in the one inch that was missing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A problem with trousers this long is public toilets. A dirty public toilet can have a pool of pee around the urinal.(I can only speak for male toilets.) This means your trouser leg is being dragged around in someone elses pee. Very unpleasant. This is also a problem with shoelaces that come udone at the wrong moment. Nasty business.

11:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can only speak for the ladies...and they are usually very clean. If I see any peepee on the ground, I lift up my trousers or long skirt. I thought the shorter trouser leg was this years vogue anyway?

10:58 am  

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