Monday, July 31, 2006

Caring For The Environment Not Their Bag?

Today I took delivery of my groceries from a leading supermarket. I was annoyed for three reasons.
1. It was delivered 15 minutes early, I was asleep.

2. There were 12 substitutions. I didn't recognize my own shopping!

3. After unpacking I was knee deep in carrier bags. This is ridiculous. I ordered 52 items. I received them in 25 carrier bags. I'm not exaggerating. That's approximately two items per bag.

I felt a bit like a grumpy old man, but I had to complain. So I did. I called the customer services number on the receipt. I asked them if they cared at all about the environment, and why they were putting everything in separate bags. The answer?

"Some things have to be put in separate bags due to health and safety reasons!"

Now, I understand the concept of keeping meat, veg and dairy produce separate from toilet cleaners or bleach. That's common sense. But seeing as I didn't order any detergents or meat, or really much in the way of dairy produce, where else could this problem lie?

Is it unhealthy to bag yoghurt with Ice cream? Dangerous to mix tinned soup with tinned beans? Or unsafe to transport toilet roll with chocolate?

Perhaps it's a weight issue? Maybe a bag with more than 2 items is considered too heavy for the shopper to lift?

That brings me to the point of the shopper. It does make me laugh when they refer to somebody as my personal shopper. I've often conjured up strange images of someone wandering around with a trolley doing my shopping for me. I've wondered what they might look like. Now I have a vivid image in my mind.

An image of a man with a white stick being lead around the aisle by a dog!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Health and Safety' being a growing industry, will I've no doubt, soon feature in the FTSE 100 Index. It reminds me of some sort of mind blowing drug some idiot scientist released into our atmosphere, just for the fun of the chaos that would follow. If no-one ever had an accident, or suffered from illness, the NHS would soon become a redundant body. If indeed it isn't already, what with Local Health Trusts taking over the mantel.
Luckily for me, my partner does the shopping. He prefers the hands on approach. That way you get exactly what you need.

I'm just too old for all this new fangled stuff!

Please feel free to edit/spell check/correctEnglish/shorten/delete.

3:58 pm  
Blogger Spoon said...

Doesn't 'health and safety' seem to be someone's distorted view of common sense? It's just all gone horribly wrong. People are too busy quoting things from books and documents, and have forgotten how to think. Maybe such documents could be banned on the premise that you could suffer a paper cut from them. Then we'd be left alone...

9:53 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ER? paper cuts are painful I believe. I'm feeling rather queezy just at the very thought. I think.

12:03 pm  

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