Saturday, September 30, 2006

Feeling Fit

The past few weeks of fairly intensive exercise are really beginning to pay off. I feel very fit. Extremely fit. In fact, I'd go as far as to say, I feel as fit as a butcher's dog.

A picture of a dog
which may be a butcher's dog.
I didn't ask too many questions,
I didn't like to pry.

But why is the butcher's dog so fit? Why is it more fit than any other dog? What is the butcher feeding this Adonis of Dogkind?

I would think that being the pet of a butcher would have its perks. You would be more likely to be fed and probably most of that would be meat. It's unlikely however, that you'd be getting the prime cuts. Can't have the dog eating the profits.
It is more likely that the dog would be consuming nothing but unwanted blubber. I now envisage the butcher's dog being mildly obese. Hmmm.

A dog owned by a general grocer would benefit from a more balanced diet.

I now feel as fit as a general grocer's dog.


Tomorrow, I'll be looking into the origins of this saying, wondering how one can be as fit as a fiddle, and discussing how a fiddle can be neither fit nor unfit, as it is a musical instrument.

Goodnight from me!


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