Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Do Your Bit - Help Do Away With January

I feel today as though the season is getting to me. It's as if I'm down simply because it's January. Like many other people in the Northern Hemisphere, I would prefer it if this month simply did not exist. There are two very important reasons to expel January from the calendar. It is traditionally the coldest month of the year - something we could all do without, and for the self-employed, a time to give all your hard earned cash to the tax man. This alone causes great distress to a large number of people which can lead to depression. This seasonal disorder in recent years has been recognized by the medical profession and is known as SAD. (Self Assessment Delirium.)

By removing January we would be warmer and better off. It makes far more sense than the traditional methods of beating the mid-winter blues - sitting in front of a fluorescent lamp for hours on end. Who's got the time?

So come on friends, colleagues, people I don't know, join my campaign to rid the world of this hellish month. I shall shortly be drafting a petition to send to Downing Street, and with enough signatories I think they are likely to take this proposal seriously.

Let's work together and make January a thing of the past.


Blogger AllisonPA said...


8:42 am  

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